11. Can you clone from multi node system to single node system & vice versa?
Yes, this is now supported via Rapid Clone, Check if your system has all prerequisite patches for Rapid Clone and you are on latest rapid clone patch.
12. Does rapid clone takes care of Updating Global oraInventory or you have to register manually in Global oraInventory after clone?
Rapid Clone automatically updates Global oraInventory during configuration phase. You don't have to do anything manually for Global oraInventory.
13. What is .dbc file, where is it stored, what is the use of .dbc file?
DBC. as name suggests is a database connect descriptor file which stores database connection information used by application tier to connect to database. This file is in directory $FND_TOP/secure also called as FND_SECURE.
14. What things you do to reduce patch timing?
Merging patches via admrgpch
Use various adpatch options like nocompiledb or nocompilejsp
Use defaults file
Staged APPL_TOP during upgrades
Increase batch size (Might result into negative)
15. How you put Applications 11i in Maintenance mode?
Use adadmin to change maintenance mode in EBS. If you don't want to put EBS in maintenance mode you can use adpatch options=hotpatch feature.
16. Can you apply patch without putting Applications 11i in Maintenance mode?
Yes, use options=hotpatch as mentioned above with adpatch.
17. What are various options available with adpatch?
Various options available with adpatch depending on your AD version are
autoconfig, check_exclusive, checkfile, compiledb, compilejsp, copyportion, databaseportion, generateportion, hotpatch, integrity, maintainmrc, parallel, prereq, validate
18. adident utility is used for what?
adident utility in oracle apps is used to find version of any file . For example “adident Header <filename>”
What is adsplice utility?
adsplice in oracle apps is utility to add a new product to EBS.
How can you license a product after installation?
You can use ad utility adlicmgr to license product in Oracle Apps.
19. What is MRC? What you do as Apps DBA for MRC?
MRC also called as Multiple Reporting Currency in Oracle Apps. By default you have currency in US Dollars but if your organization’s operating books are in other currency then you as apps DBA need to enable MRC in Apps.
20. What is JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and which component uses JVM?
JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine.
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