61. What is difference between GUEST_USER_PWD (GUEST/ORACLE) & GWYUID?
GUEST_USER_PWD(Guest/Oracle) is used by JDBC Thin Client where as GWYUID is used by Thick Clients like via Forms Connections.
62. What is 0 & Y in FNDCPASS, FNDLOAD or WFLOAD?
0 & Y are flags for FND Executable like FNDCPASS & FNDLOAD where 0 is request id. 'Y' indicates the method of invocation i.e. it is directly invoked from the command-line not from the Submit Request Form.
63. In a Multi Node Installation, How will you find which node is running what Services?
You can query for table FND_NODES and check for column, SUPPORT_CP (for Concurrent Manager) SUPPORT_FORMS (for forms server), SUPPPORT_WEB (Web Server), SUPPORT_ADMIN (Admin Server), and SUPPORT_DB for database tier. You can also check same from CONTEXT File (xml file under APPL_TOP/admin)
64. If your system has more than one Jinitiator, how will the system know, which one to pick?
When client makes a forms connection in Oracle Applications, forms client session uses configuration file defined by environment variable FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE.
65. While applying Apps patch using adpatch, if you want to hide the apps password, how will that be possible?
Use adpatch flags=hidepw while applying patches in apps to hide apps or system password being displayed on screen.
66. What is the importance of IMAP Server in Java Notification Mailer?
IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol and Java Notification mailer require IMAP server for Inbound Processing of Notification Mails.
67. What is difference between Socket & Servlet Mode in Apps Forms?
When forms run in SOCKET Mode these are dedicated connection between Client Machine & Form Server. When Forms run in servlet mode there will be additional JVM for Forms Request in that case and you won't start form via adfrmctl.sh.
68. What is make program in Unix?
make is utility in Unix/Linux to maintain , update & generate a file mainly executable.
69. If by mistake someone deleted FNDLIBR can this executable be restored if Yes, How & if no, what will you do?
Yes, you can restore FNDLIBR executables
Run adadmin on concurrent manager node
Select Maintain Applications Files menu
Then select Relink Applications programs
When prompts for “Enter list of products to link ('all' for all products) [all]” select FND
When prompt for “Generate specific executables for each selected product [No]?” select YES
From list of executables select FNDLIBR this will create new FNDLIBR executables
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